How I Learnt to Love My Home and Garden

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Fire Safety For Your Business: 3 Top Tips

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If you own a business, you have a legal responsibility to protect your staff and customers. One of the most common hazards which could affect your business is fire. Below is a guide which will help to ensure that you are doing everything you can to protect your business from the risk of fire. Check out the kitchen areas If your business has a staff rest area with kitchen facilities, this should be an area you should target when reviewing your fire safety set-up. Read More»

Two Pieces of Advice to Follow If You're Planning to Redesign Your Deck

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If you dislike your deck and have decided to redesign it, you may want to keep the following two pieces of advice in mind during this process. Attach a set of outdoor blinds to the deck Many interior designers advise their clients to add outdoor blinds to their decks. There are many reasons for this. The first is that these blinds can keep your deck secure when they are shut. This, in turn, will give you more freedom when it comes to the decorating the deck, as you can safely leave valuable ornaments, furniture and soft furnishings (such as an expensive outdoor lantern or a high-end luxurious rug) in this area without having to worry about someone stealing these items when the deck is unoccupied. Read More»

Top Reasons Why You Need a Water Filter for Your New Shower Rail

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Shower rails are increasingly becoming popular among homeowners and interior design enthusiast who want their bathrooms to look the part. Other than the aesthetic value, shower rails are convenient in homes that have only one bathroom primarily because the shower rail caters to persons of varying heights. Therefore, your young son or daughter will not need assistance because they can quickly grab the shower head, use it, and return it safely in the shower head holder. Read More»