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Are Frameless Shower Screens Worth the Hefty Price Tag?

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If you have recently made the decision to get rid of your shower curtain and upgrade to a shower screen, your next decision will be choosing a material and a type of frame. Glass shower screens, admittedly, have become a favourite among Australian homeowners since they offer a touch of contemporariness that cannot be achieved with any other kind of material. Nonetheless, even when you know that you want glass shower screens, you still have to make a decision on what type of frame. Framed shower screens, granted, have been the mainstay in bathrooms, but they are quickly being overtaken in popularity by the frameless variety. While frameless shower screens are the most expensive, read on for reasons why they are worth the hefty price tag.

Uncomplicated customisation

Glass on its own will enhance the appearance of your bathroom. However, this does not mean that the display of the glass should stay plain. If you prefer visual interest on your shower screen, then you can choose to have the glass customised, which is done in an effortless manner. For instance, if you want privacy from your shower screen rather than having it remain transparent, you could have the glass tailor-made to your needs by having it frosted or etched. On the other hand, perhaps you want a thick shower screen, and you can choose from a range of thickness to suit your preference. Other ways you can customise the glass include the size of the screens, the patterns on the glass and so on.

Contemporary appearance

Framed shower screen can provide you with some newness to your bathroom, but they will not inject a sense of modernity to the space. Since framed shower screens do not have edges that will make them stand out in the bathroom, you get to enjoy the contemporary appeal of a minimalist bathroom. This minimalist appearance works to enhance the look of the room since the frameless shower screens are non-obtrusive, making your bathroom seem spacious. Hence, frameless shower screens are the perfect choice for homeowners with a cramped bathroom.

Counter mould growth

You may think that all glass shower screens will help in mould prevention, but this is not entirely correct. The framed and semi-framed variety still have edges that can allow mould to breed inside them. Furthermore, the edges can be challenging to keep clean, which will also make it conducive for bacteria to collect inside them. Frameless shower screens are superior to their counterparts since they do not provide any framed edges for mould to breed in.
